Morse Code
Enter either morse code or normal text to have it translated to the opposite. This uses the International morse alphabet which isn't identical to the American. The American morse code is, however, very rarely used nowadays. Use "." and "-" for the morse code and "/" for pause. Click here for an example.
Text to Translate:
Translated Text:

Here is an overview of the morse alphabet presented. A new letter is signaled with a short pause and a new word is signaled with a long pause or "/" and "//" respectively when written. See the Wikipedia article for more information.

Latin alphabet:
a .-
b -...
c -.-.
d -..
e .
f ..-.
g --.
h ....
i ..
j .---
k -.-
l .-..
m --
n -.
o ---
p .--.
q --.-
r .-.
s ...
t -
u ..-
v ...-
w .--
x -..-
y -.--
z --..
Special characters:
ð ..--.
è .-..-
é ..-..
ñ --.--
ü ..--
ä .-.-
æ .-.-
à .--.-
å .--.-
ç -.-..
ö ---.
ø ---.
1 .----
2 ..---
3 ...--
4 ....-
5 .....
6 -....
7 --...
8 ---..
9 ----.
0 -----
- -....-
. .-.-.-
? ..--..
! -.-.--
, --..--
' .----.
/ -..-.
& .-...
: ---...
; -.-.-.
" .-..-.
@ .--.-.
$ ...-..-
= -...-
+ .-.-.
_ ..--.-
( -.--.
) -.--.-